First Name
Last Name
Civic #
Street Name
Street Type
Unit #
Phone Number
Please attach a photo of your appliance (note: the photo must be clear and should show the appliance as well as the surroundings to ensure compliance to the City’s By-law can be confirmed)
By applying for this permit, you confirm that:

  1. Your appliance is equipped with spark arrestors, with openings no larger than 12mm, including the chimney (spark arrestors, generally made of metal, prevent flaming debris from leaving the fire pit);
  2. Your appliance is located at least three metres (approximately 9.85 feet) from the nearest combustible (including any building, structure, property line, tree, hedge, fence, roadway, overhead wire or other combustible article);
  3. Your appliance is not placed on a wood deck or other combustible platform;
  4. Your appliance will only be used to burn dry, seasoned firewood;
  5. A portable fire extinguisher or operable garden hose is readily available while the appliance is in use;
  6. As the Permit holder, you will maintain constant watch and control over the appliance when in use and until the fire is totally extinguished;
  7. Your appliance does not allow airborne sparks or embers to infringe on the use and enjoyment of other properties nearby;
  8. Your appliance will only be used between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.; and
  9. Your appliance shall not be used when the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development, or its successors, or designates has issued a ban on open burning in the Westmorland County region.